Template Gallery
Product Requirements Document
Copy and Customize Template
Use this product requirements document template to scope your features, identify risks, and ship features to customers quickly.
How to use it
  • Define your user's problems: the end-to-end experience you want to unlock for them.
  • Identify the steps in your process.
  • Organize the process in an Almanac folder.
  • Share with your team.
Q & A
What is an Almanac template?
An Almanac template includes ready-to-go doc templates, folder structures and workflows specially designed for every team in your organization. Use them off the shelf to start a project in lightning speed, or customize them to fit your exact needs.
How do I copy an Almanac template?
Once you are signed into your Almanac workspace, navigate to any page in the Template Library and hit the "Copy and Customize Template" button.
How do I use an Almanac template?
There are several ways to access and use an Almanac template. Visit our Help Center to learn more.
Can I download an Almanac template?
Almanac templates cannot be downloaded. However, once a doc is filled out from a template, you may export it to PDF and download it. Learn more here.
What is Almanac?
Almanac is the all-in-one platform for structured collaboration where remote teams write, approve, and organize docs. We help distributed teams build world-class cultures of documentation and management with transparent review and approval loops, living handbooks, and flexible project spaces.
How do I make an Almanac template?
Almanac users can submit their templates for review by our team by emailing support@almanac.io.
Explore more templates
Product Requirements Document
Use this product requirements document template to scope your features, identify risks, and ship features to customers quickly.
Product Launch Plan
Use this product launch plan to turn customer problems into solutions and shipping features.
PRD Review Process
Use this PRD review process to define the problem you're solving for users and the product requirements needed to implement the solution.
Changelog Process
Use this changelog process to track product features and updates and communicate them to your users.
Roadmap Planning Process
Use this roadmap planning process to define the problem you're solving for users and the product requirements needed to implement the solution.